Small, Thoughtful Things Often: Five Simple Ways to Show Your Spouse You Love Them
There are simple things we can do and say to show our spouse we love them. To express how special they are in our hearts.
One: Say I Love You
It might seem simple but for some it can be the hardest words to say. Really meaning it when you say it can definitely be felt by your spouse. They will know (just like you know when they do it) if it’s just something they are saying by default or if it’s truly felt. Think about this the next time you say I love you…
Two: Let’s Have Fun Together
When was the last time you and your spouse played. Laughed together. Had fun together. Play is such an important part of a marriage. For many, it can be the first to be pushed aside as other responsibilities begin to pile up…but, please don’t do this. Remember to keep the fun in your marriage. Keep the play. Keep the laughter. It will bring you together…
Three: I’m Here for You
Even saying those words out loud: I Am Here for You. Communicates to your spouse that when they need you, you are there. When they are going through a hard or stressful time, you are there. You of all people will not abandon them.
Four: I Love You As You Are
This might seem like the first one but it’s different. In this one I am meaning loving and accepting your spouse as they are. Not trying to control or fix them when they are doing something you don’t agree with. Or when you want them to act or behave a certain way. Letting your spouse know you accept them is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone you love. It lets them know you have confidence in them. That you know they will figure things out their way.
Five: Thank You
Showing appreciation and gratitude for all you do for each other is key. There is so much you both do each and every day to nourish and care for your marriage. It’s a lovely thing when spouse’s can express their appreciation for each other often.
By: Anna McElearney, LMFT, LPC, NCC
*Blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only.