At the end of the day, do you and your spouse talk to each other? Do you find time to connect? Do you ask about how each other is?
Many times the answer looks like – “there’s just no time.” “We are just so busy that we just don’t have time for all that.”
If this is happening for you, please reconsider the possibility that there definitely could be a little pinch of time that you both could find to really connect with each other.
At the End of a Long Day, How to Connect and Communicate with Your Spouse
Here are 5 tips to help you when time isn’t on your side…
- Put away everything. No phone. No computer. Nothing. Just you and your spouse. Sit by each other and ask about their day.
- Take 10-15 minutes and ask your spouse about their day. Let them tell you all they need to. The good, the not so good, etc. Just listen to their day and what they are sharing.
- Empathize with what they are saying. You don’t have to agree with everything your spouse is saying. But the point is more to be with them in what they are experiencing. What they are choosing to tell you and how that’s making them feel. Not whether you agree with them or not.
- Then switch roles. The other spouse has a turn to share their day. To share what they want to about what’s happening for them. The rules are the same for the listening spouse. To empathize. To listen.
- After you’ve both had time to share with each other. Take time to hug each other. To really let the other feel the hug you are offering and vice versa. Let each other know how much they are loved and valued.
By: Anna McElearney, LMFT, LPC, NCC
Blog is intended for educational and informational purposes only.