Healthy Relationship Tip #2
We’re on to the second healthy relationship consideration…
“Thou shalt base thy relationship on true mutuality, remembering that all decisions and actions must be good for thee AND for thine partner.”
(Stan Tatkin)
After learning about the first consideration, we are now moving into what it means to have “true mutuality” within your relationship.
So, what does this mean?
In a nutshell, true mutuality means considering each other in all actions and decisions. What’s good for one, is good for both…
It means keeping each other in mind as you go about your daily decisions and plans.
It means behaving in a way that’s mutually good for the relationship.
Healthy Relationship Recipe
Here are some ways to consider this “true mutuality” idea:
- Do you take your spouse or partner into consideration when making decisions?
If your answer is no, ask yourself what might be keeping you from involving your spouse/partner in decisions that ultimately impact the both of you.
- Are you taken into consideration by your spouse/partner when decisions are made?
If your answer is no, how does that make you feel when this occurs?
On the flip side…
If your answer is yes to both of the questions above, can you reflect on how that’s positively impacted your relationship?
Healthy Relationship Concept
“We” instead of “I” – can be one of the hardest concepts to implement.
But, when decisions and actions are based in the “WE” – rather than the “I” – it has the potential to change things between you.
It can help make room for more togetherness and feeling like a team when each partner is thinking in terms of what’s best for the relationship. Thinking in terms of “true mutuality” as this consideration emphasizes.
If you’re having difficulty or need help, contact me today: anna@counselingwithanna.com or 512.550.7918.
Blog is intended for educational and informational purposes only.