Infidelity and Affair Recovery
When a spouse or partner is unfaithful, it can have devastating consequences. Learning of a partner’s infidelity is traumatic for the betrayed spouse and can cause a flooding of overwhelming thoughts and emotions. read more
Five Steps Toward Creating Relationship Goals That Last
When was the last time you’ve thought in terms of goals for your relationship? We might not be thinking of improving our communication in our relationships with setting relationship goals but this post might help change that! read more
Three Common Problems Marriage Counseling Can Help With
You may have been thinking about marriage counseling for a while but have been hesitant to make the call and schedule an appointment. It’s common to be unsure and hesitant. Many questions and fears can arise as a result of the unknown. read more
What’s one way you can make an apology meaningful?
Know what you are apologizing about!
Saying I’m sorry without any context behind it, without communicating what you are truly sorry about, misses the opportunity to express that you truly understand what you’ve been arguing about and that you truly get why your spouse is upset. read more
Did you know most of our communication is nonverbal?
With that being said… Do you know what your nonverbal communication and nonverbal cues are communicating to your partner? read more
What is an Emotional Affair?
An emotional affair may begin innocently with a friend or co-worker. And, as social media continues to grow, more and more emotional affairs begin through connections to old boyfriends/girlfriends made on-line. As the friendship grows, you begin to realize how easy it is to talk with this person. They make you feel great and give you the companionship you desire. So, how do you know if it’s moved from an innocent friendship to an emotional more
Wondering how to listen effectively when your partner is trying to talk to you?
A common relationship issue I often hear is: “How do I listen effectively and not try to fix the problem?” Active listening is key!… read more
Grief and Loss Relationship Myth Impacting Communication in Relationships
If you’ve had a chance to look through some of my relationship blog posts, I’m sure you’ve noticed how muchI talk about communication in relationships! Today, I’d like to share a relationship myth that can impact communication in relationships and is one that might not be talked about all that often…read more
Important Tip for a Healthy Relationship
If you’ve been in a relationship for a short period of time or have been together for many years, do you still take as much interest in your spouse or partner as you did when you first met and began dating?…read more
Contempt In Relationships
Why Contempt? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how powerful effective communication can be for our significant love relationships…read more
Communication in Relationships – Healthy Relationship Tip
Have you ever been at a dinner or a gathering with friends and/or colleagues and overheard how your partner introduces you and talks about you to others? Did you like what you heard? Was it uplifting? Did it show you how fond your partner is of you? Or, was it the opposite? Have you ever noticed how you introduce and talk about your partner to others when they’re around? Is it different when they’re not around?…read more
Practice of Gratitude in Relationships
Why are we talking about gratitude and what does it have to do with my relationship? Before we dive into that question, I’d like to first get you thinking in terms of what gratitude means to you? Do you show gratitude in your relationship? If so, how often? (Daily, multiple times throughout the day, monthly, yearly, almost never, never… ) If you haven’t been showing gratitude or speaking words of gratitude to your partner, what’s keeping you?…read more