What’s Your Relationship Vision?
Do you and your spouse have a relationship vision? A vision of us? Not a vision for each of you separately as individuals – although that might be important also – this is more about a vision or statement of your relationship. A statement of you both – a statement of us!
This statement of us or vision of us is intended to be a fluid ever evolving vision. As you both continue to evolve and grow individually and together, your relationship vision will too. Make adjusts as needed. Allow this vision to be an opportunity for connection. An opportunity to talk and really listen to each other about your relationship vision and needs.
Why is a Relationship Vision Important?
A relationship vision can help you both find shared, special and common meaning in your marriage. Can be a focus of emphasis that defines how you want your marriage.
It includes, relationship goals, values, dreams. It also includes what it doesn’t want. By going through an exercise of learning what you both don’t want in your marriage, you can then begin to think of what you actually do want.
Starting Exercises to Develop Your Relationship Vision
- Dedicate a time to sit down with each other and talk about this concept. Be prepared that you both might have some areas where you think differently. The focus here is not to try and change the other’s point of view but rather to begin opening up and talking with each other about what’s important to you both. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about your spouse – and for them to learn more about you.
- Talk about upbringing. Learn more about what it was like for you both growing up. What values, rituals, etc do you want to continue in your marriage? And which ones do you wish to change into something else? Even if you think you know all there is to know about your partner’s upbringing, it’s worth taking time to listen again…
- Roles in your marriage. Talk about the roles you both take on in your marriage. Are they in alignment with the relationship vision you both want?
These are just some ideas to help spark your curiosity about how to create a relationship vision that includes both of you. My hope is that as you enter into these conversations, more ideas will spark around what is important to you both. Ideas about what you want your relationship vision to be.
Continue to revisit this vision and modify and add to it continuously if needed. Give yourself permission – each of you – to allow your relationship vision to be a fluid concept.
By: Anna McElearney, LMFT, LPC, NCC
Blog intended for educational and informational purposes only.