Are you currently in graduate school getting ready for a career as a therapist and learning more about self care?
I help future awesome therapists learn what self care really means and simple easy way to incorporate daily care. When you click here, it will take you to my coaching business (please note, coaching is not therapy and is a separate business from my private therapy practice) where you can learn more about me and how I can help coach you to thrive…
I remember when I was studying to become a therapist and would hear about the importance of self care. But that was all I really heard. That self care was important! But…What did it mean exactly? How do I do it? What do I do? What doesn’t it mean? The list of questions in my mind went on. Yet…I didn’t hear much discussion on any of these. I really just heard, “make sure you block out time on your calendar for self care!”
Fast forward to today, as a therapist in private practice, I have evolved and learned so much since my studies in graduate school. And…I’m still evolving and learning and would love to help you with what I’ve learned so far and how to implement real life self care so that you can achieve all you want in your life.
That’s what I aspire to offer you through our coaching sessions. Help with learning what self care is. What it means for you. How it can help you. And simple daily steps to self care each and every day. It’s just that necessary!
Focus of Coaching Sessions
Much of my coaching work is designed based on your specific needs. But there are some general areas that we will likely cover as they are so very important.
- Boundaries & De-cluttering
- Blocks toward achieving your private practice dreams
- Money Mindset
- Private Practice Mindset
Boundaries & De-Cluttering
When I talk about boundaries and de-cluttering, I’m talking more about internal boundaries and internal de-cluterring first. What does that mean? Well…I like to think about it as working from the inside-out first. Beginning with our thoughts. Once we become aware of how our thoughts impact us, from the way we feel to whether or not we take an action, we can begin to shift this to create what we actually DO want.
Many times our thoughts can keep us stuck. They can be just and endless source of chatter. Of fear. Of what if, I can’t, won’t happen for me. When we begin here, and start to de-clutter so to speak, new opportunities await.
Private Practice Blocks & Mindset
Many new therapists and soon to be therapists that I work with have so many awesome business ideas and aspirations. It’s truly inspirational to watch you grow your light onto the world! But what sometimes can happen is, we let other people’s thoughts/expectations/negative beliefs get in our way. Together, we will work toward a new mindset to help you grow in your therapy practice and in life.
Money Mindset
Money mindset kinda goes hand in hand sometimes with what I see related to private practice blocks. Together, we will work on any money limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Coaching Sessions
If you’re ready to jump in, just give me a call or email. I will get back with you as soon as I can and we can begin our work together.