Successful Relationship – Some Considerations…
We’ve made it to the last successful relationship consideration! Here it is…
Thou shalt learn thy partner well and master the ways of seduction, influence,
and persuasion, without the use of fear or threat. (Stan Tatkin)
As you think about this last idea for a successful relationship and how it looks in your relationship, here are some questions to consider.
Question about you…
Are you able to accept influence from your partner or be persuaded by your partner?
Meaning, does it always have to be your way, or are you willing to consider differing alternative perspectives offered by your partner?
If accepting influence from your partner is hard for you, consider how this might be making your partner feel? How does it make you feel?
Successful relationships allow for a fluidity around being about to accept influence from each other and accept each other’s ideas and thoughts for consideration.
Question about your partner…
Do you feel your partner can accept influence from you?
Or, does it feel as if it has to always be their way?
What does this feel like to you – when you offer suggestions or alternatives and they are generally not accepted?
Successful Relationship & Seduction…
How about seduction – is seduction a part of your relationship or is it absent?
If it’s absent, is it something you wish to have?
What this consideration is and is NOT.
It’s important to note that this consideration is void of any attempts at using fear or threat to influence, persuade or seduce.
Threat and use of fear are NOT part of a healthy relationship and are not part of a securely functioning couple.
This consideration is about knowing each other.
Knowing each others likes, dislikes.
What turns each other on and off.
What makes each other laugh and smile.
What motivates and influences each other.
Knowing how to cheer each other up when upset and how to help when hurting.
By: Anna McElearney
*Blog is intended for educational and informational purposes only.