Important Ways Marital Counseling Can Help Your Marriage Marital counseling is such a gift spouses give each other. Through your commitment to help your marriage, you’re letting each other know how much you mean to each other. Sometimes this can get missed when couples first start marital counseling together. But what I’ve seen is that […]
Couples Therapy for Communication Issues
Couples Therapy for Communication Issues Couples therapy for communication issues can help many couples struggling with how to talk with each other. And how to hear and prioritize each other. There’s a saying: “there is no closeness without sensitivity” We are sensitive to our partners because they are the most important people in our lives. […]
Marriage Rituals for Connection
Marriage Rituals – Do you have them? What marriage rituals are currently happening in your relationship? Having rituals in your relationship is important because it provides a type of structure around connecting with your spouse. It allows for a time that you both use to unite and connect, even if it’s in small gestures such […]
Emotional Connection
Improving Emotional Connection With Your Spouse So what does emotional connection as it relates to marriage mean anyway? Great question…to understand emotional connection, we need to define it. And the way I define it is: A way of being with another that allows you to be understood, heard and loved. To know that when you […]