Are you in marriage counseling and do you have a relationship mindset? Part of the benefit of marriage counseling is to become more securely attached to each other. To learn how to communicate – talk and listen – to each other. To feel truly heard and understood. What also is important is having a relationship […]
Emotional Connection
Improving Emotional Connection With Your Spouse So what does emotional connection as it relates to marriage mean anyway? Great question…to understand emotional connection, we need to define it. And the way I define it is: A way of being with another that allows you to be understood, heard and loved. To know that when you […]
Communication in Marriages – Build A Better Marriage Today!
Communication in Marriages – Why is it so hard? Communication in marriages is one of the most common issues I see in my practice. When two uniquely individual and different people join together and form a relationship, there are going to be disagreements. There are going to be arguments that pop up. There are likely […]
Sleep Better Tonight! Three Tips to Help
Sleep Better! Why am I doing a blog post about how to sleep better? Because few things can be as frustrating as when you need to get some sleep but can’t! When you keep looking at your clock, thinking…if I fell asleep now, I’d get (fill in the blank) hours of sleep before I have to wake […]
Successful Relationship Questions
Successful Relationship – Some Considerations… We’ve made it to the last successful relationship consideration! Here it is… Thou shalt learn thy partner well and master the ways of seduction, influence, and persuasion, without the use of fear or threat. (Stan Tatkin) As you think about this last idea for a successful relationship and how it […]
Happy Relationship, Making it Possible!
What did you think of the 10 considerations for a happy relationship? As I mentioned in the last post, we will look at each consideration and break down what it means and what it could look like in your relationship. Happy Relationship Consideration #1 Let’s dive into the first one… “Thou shalt protect the safety […]