Stay Connected to Your Spouse Through the Holidays
Time is going by so so fast, with kiddos growing so fast, seasons coming and going…it can be hard to stay connected to your spouse (at any time of year) but when it’s the holidays, it can be even more challenging.
There’s so much to get done that at the end of the day, you’re just wanting a hot cup of tea, relaxation and decompression time.
Yet, there’s still a longing to connect with your spouse but not quite sure how or if the energy is there…
Here are some ways to help you stay connected to your spouse through the holidays. After all, the best gift we can give each other is our presence, our undivided attention, and quality time…
Tip One: Share Memorable Experiences

How to Stay Connected During Holidays
My husband and I love taking our son to all of the Christmas and holiday gatherings around Austin. We so love the Austin Trail of Lights and Armadillo Christmas Bizarre and all of the other wonderful gathering holiday events.
And each year around the holidays, it dawns on us how truly special these memories are. Both for us as a couple and for us as parents. Being together. Sharing memorable experiences. That’s what it’s all about!
And that’s what I’d like to offer you to consider this holiday season. Taking the time to make and share memorable experiences with your spouse. Having these moments together will connect you through all that you will share together. Making you smile, laugh and feel delighted to be together.
Tip Two: Say No

Replenishment for Your Marriage During the Holidays
It’s ok to say no to some things to allow for some down time together. In fact, I’d say it’s more than ok!
Even if you’re not spending the down time together, saying no to things that aren’t top on your list will allow you to slow down and take a break from all of the things you’re doing during the holiday season. It will allow you to focus inward on you. And by doing so, it can help replenish you so when you are with your spouse it’s time you can truly enjoy being together and sharing.
Tip Three: Making and Sharing Traditions

Traditions and Rituals During the Holidays
I mentioned above that we love going to all of the Christmas and holiday festivities around Austin during this time of year…and in doing so, we are creating our own traditions. Experiences that are important to us and rituals to share with our child. Some traditions we have are passed down from generations but many are new ones that we have created. Making them ever so special.
That’s what I love about this tip…making holiday traditions and rituals that are special and unique to you and your relationship. Traditions that you can carry into your relationship from the families you grew up with and also new traditions that you create together. These are wonderful ways to stay connected to your spouse through the holidays. Making and experiencing traditions and rituals that represent the uniqueness and specialness of your family. What could be better!
Wishing you and your spouse a lovely holiday season. May these tips help you stay connected to each other during the holidays…
By: Anna McElearney, LMFT, LPC, NCC
*Blog intended for informational and educational purposes only.